Exploring the Dynamics of Islam, State, and Market: The 2024 Graduate Conference's Glorious Closing
Closing ceremony of graduate conference 2024
Yogyakarta, December 4, 2024 - The Graduate Conference entitled "Governance and Governmentality: Islam, State, and Market" has officially closed successfully. The two-day event was a scholarly forum that brought together academics, researchers, and students from various universities to discuss strategic issues surrounding the relationship between Islam, the state, and the market in a global context.
In his concluding remarks, the Director of the Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies, Dr. Munirul Ikhwan, Lc., M.A., expressed his deep appreciation to the participants who had actively contributed to the conference, as well as to the committee that ensured the smooth running of the conference. He emphasized that this conference was not only a place to share research results, but also an opportunity to expand academic networks and enrich insights through different perspectives presented.
The same sentiment was expressed by the Secretary of the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program, Dr. Nina Mariani Noor, S.S., M.A., who appreciated the quality of the discussions during the conference. According to her, this activity made a significant contribution to the development of multidisciplinary studies, especially on topics that link Islam with the dynamics of government and global markets.
As part of the closing ceremony, three best research papers were announced. This award is given to papers that are considered superior in terms of academic quality and relevance to the topic. The Best Paper winners are as follows:
Muhammad Ridha of the International Islamic University of Indonesia, with a study entitled "When History No Longer Guides: Why Aceh is Turning Away from Female Leadership."
Bangkit Adi Saputra of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, with a paper entitled "Analysis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Existence of Technology in Heidegger's Perspective".
Muhammad Hafizh Renaldi and Muhammad Amin Saputra from UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, with the research paper entitled "Islam and Technology: Technospiritualism and its Impact on Religious Practice"
This award is a form of recognition for the quality of the research presented, as well as a motivation for other participants to continue to produce academic works that contribute to the development of science. This graduation affirms the Islamic Studies Doctoral Program's commitment to fostering academic collaboration across institutions. With the conclusion of Graduate Conference 2024, great hopes are placed on the continuation of scholarly discussions relevant to contemporary dynamics, as well as the birth of innovative research capable of responding to global challenges in the future.